Literature – Grade 11

Authors of Lasting Fame
Brief biographies of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charlotte Bronte and Edna Ferber
Elaine Ernst Schneider

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Part 1 – Chapters 1 – 25
Part 2 – Chapters 26 – 38 Print ready (no download)
Feb 26, 2002 Elaine Ernst Schneider

So Big by Edna Ferber
Writing assignments related to chapter reviews of this novel study. 
Elaine Ernst Schneideer


A Brief Introduction to Greek Tragedy

Just some brief definitions of the tragic hero, hamartia, hubris and catharsis.
by Christopher Ingham

An approach to teaching Robert Cormier’s After the First Death
I use this approach with my 16 -17 year olds
by Christopher Ingham

Responding to Poetry
It is possible to say something meaningful about a poem even if you do not fully understand it or your response to it.
by Christopher Ingham

An approach to teaching Macbeth to 16/17 year olds.
When studying any Shakespeare play we must be aware of the different ways in which the characters and language of the play can be interpreted.
by Christopher Ingham

An Introduction to Lord of the Flies
by Christopher Ingham

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