Due to its popularity as an English-language novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland had been recreated multiple times in films and theaters. This lesson will allow...
Solar System is simply the Sun and all the objects that orbit around it. This lesson will teach students about the solar system, the order...
Individual organisms live together in an ecosystem and depend on one another. In this activity, students will demonstrate their research, reporting, and presentation skills in...
This Lesson plan will help students determine if the total number of found objects is even or odd. This will definitely improve their number sense....
This lesson plan will introduce different Olympic events to the students. The activity will also allow students to demonstrate a specific sport and explain why...
Drawing and mixing colors boosts memory recollection skills. This lesson plan will help students sharpen their mind through conceptual visualization and application. This visual arts...
This lesson plan will help students to quickly identify sea animals. This activity will develop the learner’s sorting skills as they need to classify the...
A Part of Speech is a category of words that have similar grammatical properties. This lesson will ask students to review the eight parts of...
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are amazing works of art and architecture that serve as a testament of the ingenuity, imagination and sheer hard...
This lesson plan will develop the Research skills of the students. This activity will improve their ability to find an answer to a question or...