Due to its popularity as an English-language novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland had been recreated multiple times in films and theaters. This lesson will allow...
This lesson plan introduces Aerobic exercise to students. This activity is essential to developing muscles and this promote overall health improvement. Learners is encourage to...
Accurate information helps you to make right decisions easier. This Graph Smile activity will allow students in pairing up to create statistical questions, survey others,...
This lesson plan will help students to identify different types of weather based on pictures. In this activity, they will also create a mini-weather system...
This lesson plan will give students the opportunity to create a natural disaster plan for a part of their country. This activity will require learners...
Directions are very useful in maps because it helps us to identify the location of a particular place on map.This activity will tests the students...
Basketball, as a physical sport, involves different skills like passing, dribbling, and bouncing. This activity allows your student to learn about their own strengths and...
Hundreds of popular games and activities exist from those that can be represented individually or as a team. Countries based their games usually on popularity...
This Lesson plan will help students learn how to distinguish facts from fiction which will definitely improve their comprehension skills. This activity is very engaging...
This lesson plan will open the mind of the students the benefits of having an eco-friendly home. This activity involves group research so learners can...