Milk and Cereal for Dinner
by Jodi Jill

When I was a kid I would of loved to have milk and cereal for dinner every night. Sure it would not have been the healthiest meal of the day, but it would have been the best. Perhaps I would have grown tired of the taste every night, but I would have enjoyed the box. Yep, the box was and always will be the best part of milk and cereal.

Looking at the grocery store today I was reminded why the cereal was always such a welcoming sight. There were games on the side of the box. I would sit down at the table and study the box intently. The games, whether a maze or moving the letters around, must be finished before the meal was done or the adventure was not complete. Of course, working the puzzles morning after morning would make the games easier (they made us eat the whole box before eating the next one.) Then the final morning would come when the box was empty and you could quickly and efficiently figure out the puzzles with a pen , but not a pencil. That was the day I looked so smart because it was so easy. My little sister was even jealous.

Today I treasure the puzzles on the side of the cereal boxes as well. Sure they maybe simple for an adult like myself, but they bring back memories of a great childhood experience. The milk didn’t always have a puzzle if I remember correctly, but the chocolate milk did and we angled for that whenever possible.

Puzzles can be found on all types of food that is fun and healthy for kids. Just coming from the grocery store I saw puzzles on fruit rollups, peanut butter, fruit drinks, granola snacks, frozen pizza, and there were smaller puzzles on packages of toothbrushes as well.  Don’t forget there are several monthly magazines full of kids puzzles that can be found on the periodical racks as well.

While they may grumble about the healthy food inside, little do they know they are becoming a little bit smarter each time when they look at the sides of the boxes.

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