Spanish Lesson 2 : Face to Face
by Holly Furgason

Please review the guidelines for this lesson before starting. 

The first set of commands are singular and should be used with only one child. The second set of commands are plural and should be used for two or more children.

Touch your nose! Toca tu nariz! Tocan tus narizes!**
Touch your mouth! Toca tu boca! Tocan tus bocas!**
Touch your eye!  Toca tu ojo!  Tocan tus ojos!**
Touch you ear! Toca tu oreja! Tocan tus orejas!**
Point to your nose! Apunta hacia tu nariz!  Apuntan hacia tus narizes!**
Point to your mouth! Apunta hacia tu boca! Apuntan hacia tus bocas!**
Point to your eye! Apunta hacia tu ojo! Apuntan hacia tus ojos!**
Point to your ear!  Apunta hacia tu oreja! Apuntan hacia tus orejas!**
Touch my nose! Toca mi nariz! Tocan mi nariz!
Touch my mouth!  Toca mi boca!  Tocan mi boca!
Touch my eye!  Toca mi ojo! Tocan mi ojo!
Touch my ear!  Toca mi oreja! Tocan mi oreja!
Point to my nose! Apunta hacia mi nariz! Apuntan hacia mi nariz!
Point to my mouth!  Apunta hacia mi boca!  Apuntan hacia mi boca!
Point to my eye!  Apunta hacia mi ojo! Apuntan hacia mi ojo!
Point to my ear! Apunta hacia mi oreja!  Apuntan hacia mi oreja!

Daily Phrases:

Be still! Calmate!
I love you! Te quiero!


Hide and Seek
You can adjust this game to the level of the students.

For pre-school students just hid your face with both hands and ask
“Donde esta (your name)?”  Then open you hands and say, “Bu!  (Your
name) esta aqui!”  The have the child cover their face and ask, “Donde
esta (child’s name)?”  Then uncover the child’s face and say, “Bu!
(Child’s name) esta aqui!”

Older children can all hide around the room.  Then the teacher can call
out, “Donde esta (child’s name)?”  The child called can jump up out of
hiding and say, “Bu!”  If the child doesn’t say, “Bu!” remind them to
say it by telling them, “Dice ‘Bu’!”


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
This is sung to the familiar tune Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes but
there are a few changes.  Point carefully!

Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies, piernas, pies.
Head, shoulders, knees, FEET, knees, FEET.

Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies, piernas, pies.
Head, shoulders, knees, FEET, knees, FEET..

Orejas, ojos, boca y nariz.
Ears, eyes, mouth and nose.

Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies, piernas, pies.
Head, shoulders, knees, FEET, knees, FEET.
To review the first lesson, click here

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