American Sign Language (ASL) and Signed English (SE)
Series 2 Lesson 10: Food: Miscellaneous
By Elaine Ernst Schneider

“m” hands





Try these combinations (you might have to use signs from Series I and 2 – see the ASL dictionary index):

    1. Spaghetti with meat sauce
    2. chicken and rice
    3. soup and crackers
    4. cereal and milk
    5. fruit sala
Series 2 Lesson 10: Food: Miscellaneous
Signs Description of Sign Action
bread Graze the fingertips of the right “b” hand across the back of the slightly curved left hand, moving the right hand in a downward motion. Repeat.
butter Use the first two fingers of the right hand to pantomime buttering a piece of imaginary bread that is situated on the palm of the left hand.
cereal Pantomime scooping cereal with the right hand from an imaginary bowl in the palm of the upturned left hand.
cheese Move a right “C” hand from side to side while touching the right wrist against the left wrist, palm turned slightly upward.
macaroni Move “M” hands outward in a wavy motion that suggests the curling of a cooked noodle.
rice (SE) Signed English sign that uses “R” for “Rice” and pantomimes scooping rice with the right hand from an imaginary bowl in the palm of the upturned left hand.
salad Using curved open hands, palms upward, mimic tossing a salad.
sauce Move the thumb of an upside-down “thumbs up” sign in a counter-clockwise motion. Hint: This sign pantomimes pouring sauce from a bottle.
soup Use the first two fingers of the right hand to pantomime spooning soup from an imaginary bowl in the palm of the upturned left hand.
spaghetti Begin with “i” hands facing each other, about an inch apart. Using the small fingers of the “i” hands, twirl small circles as the hands move outward.

Click here to continue with our ASL lesson 11 on Time, Part 1

Submitted by: Elaine Ernst Schneider entered the classroom as a special education teacher in the 1970’s. Since then, she has taught mainstream English Grammar, Literature, music K-12, deaf education, psychology, Algebra, creative writing, social studies, law, and science in both public and private schools. Presently, Elaine is a curriculum author for multiple educational publishers and is the managing editor of Lesson Tutor, a lesson plan website found at Her most recent books, 52 Children’s Moments (Synergy Publications) and Taking Hearing Impairment to School (JayJo Books and the Guidance Channel) can be found at She is currently working on a project with Pearson Prentice Hall as an author of an on-line teacher’s professional development course for the Council for Exceptional Children.

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More lessons in American Sign Language (ASL),  Click Here

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