American Sign Language (ASL) and Signed English (SE)
Series 2 Lesson 9: Food: Drinks
By Elaine Ernst Schneider

Coke or pop
Coke (pop)




apple juice
grape juice


orange juice 
chocolate milk


ASL Series 2 Lesson 9: Food: Drinks
Signs Description of Sign Action
apple juice (apple + juice) apple – Curl your right index finger to touch your thumb. Twist or rotate, your arm, tipping the knuckle towards your mouth, then back again.
juice – The letter “j” sign swings wide towards your mouth and coming to rest just under the lower lip..
chocolate milk (chocolate + milk) chocolate – Circle the right “C” hand on the back of an open left hand, moving counterclockwise.
milk – Open and close fist, like milking a cow.
cocoa Widen the space between the index finger and thumb of a “G” sign to simulate a “small C.” Then rotate the simulated “C” (for “cocoa”) in a counter-clockwise motion above the palm of an upward turned left hand.
coffee Using two “S” hands, pantomime grinding coffee, rotating the hands in opposition.
Coke (pop) Place the tip of the index finger of a right “L” hand against the left forearm. Slightly squeeze the thumb against the index finger.
grape juice (grape + juice) grape – Lightly touch the fingertips of a right curved hand (fingers spread) several times on the back of a left curved hand, palm turned down. Note: The movement represents clusters of grapes.
juice – The letter “j” sign swings wide towards your mouth and coming to rest just under the lower lip..
milk Open and close fist, like milking a cow.
orange juice (orange + juice) orange – Squeeze an “s” hand in front of the mouth to pantomime squeezing an orange.
juice – The letter “j” sign swings wide towards your mouth and coming to rest just under the lower lip.
tea Use the thumb and index finger of the right hand to mimic dipping a tea bag into the left “s” hand which represents a teacup. Slightly rotate the wrist as if “swishing” the tea bag in the hot water.
water The letter “W” signed at chin level.

Continue on to Lesson 10: Miscellaneous Foods

Submitted by:  Elaine Ernst Schneider entered the classroom as a special education teacher in the 1970’s. Since then, she has taught mainstream English Grammar, Literature, music K-12, deaf education, psychology, Algebra, creative writing, social studies, law, and science in both public and private schools. Presently, Elaine is a curriculum author for multiple educational publishers and is the managing editor of Lesson Tutor, a lesson plan website found at Her most recent books, 52 Children’s Moments (Synergy Publications) and Taking Hearing Impairment to School (JayJo Books and the Guidance Channel) can be found at She is currently working on a project with Pearson Prentice Hall as an author of an on-line teacher’s professional development course for the Council for Exceptional Children.

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Sign Language- Drinks
(Free PDF Printables)

Last Updates on February 13, 2025
By: Lessontutor Staff

Planet ABC Blocks Dino Rain

Dive into the refreshing world of beverages with this engaging collection of 15 high-quality worksheets, designed to make learning American Sign Language (ASL) signs for drinks both fun and interactive! From a cool glass of water to a steaming cup of coffee, each worksheet introduces a different drink alongside its corresponding ASL sign. Learn how to sign milk, juice, tea, soda, hot chocolate, smoothie, beer, wine, lemonade, and energy drink while exploring fun activities that make learning both visual and hands-on.

Bring the world of sign language into your home with these 15 printable, high-resolution worksheets, available in A4-sized PDFs and free to download. Perfect for teachers, parents, and ASL learners, this collection makes learning drink-related signs simple and enjoyable. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your ASL knowledge, these worksheets offer a creative and educational experience for kids and adults alike!

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Craft Ideas To Do With Drinks Worksheets

This exciting collection showcases a variety of drinks in different settings, from a refreshing smoothie on a sunny day to a warm mug of hot chocolate in winter. Each worksheet includes step-by-step ASL illustrations, making it easy for learners of all ages to master the signs. Whether you’re tracing, coloring, or practicing ASL with friends and family, these worksheets provide an interactive and engaging way to expand your vocabulary while having fun.