The Writer Reader Connection.
by Debbie Tipton

The hardest part about writing is to decide what to write about. But even after I make up my mind about my topic, it is hard to write because I am worried that it may not be so interesting for my reader. Then I overcome this problem by deciding to just write until I run out of what to say.
Ahmed Mohamed

It used to be that reading and writing were considered to be separate skills. The writer would write and the reader would read. The relationship between the writer and the reader would have been like this:

WRITER——>TEXT (message)—–>READER

However, the relationship between writers and readers is really quite different. Both writing and reading are active skills. The more the writer knows about the reader, the more successful in their writing they will be.

Both writers and readers will bring the experience to life.

These are three very basic rules for successful writing:

1.) Identify a purpose for writing: That is the only way you will be able to communicate your ideas.
2.) Write about what you know: It will be easier for you to write on subjects that you know.
3.) Always write for your audience: If you can identify with those who you are writing for, the purpose of your work will become clearer and your communications will be successful.

People have many different reasons for writing. One might write poetry, one might write a letter, and others may write research papers. Each one of these types of writing will capture a different audience.

Some types of writing are more formal than others. An example would be:

If you were to write two letters, one to a friend and one to a congressman; the language and the focus would be totally different. Personal writing is much less formal than academic writing.

One way to write and to improve at it is write informally everyday. This will help to give you confidence and make writing easier. Writing in a journal can give this to you. You can write without having to worry about organization or grammar. The real purpose of journal writing is to put thought into written form without worrying about errors. Writing in a journal everyday gives you the chance to write about what you know. You can express your thoughts and opinions on different topics. your journal can also be used to jot down information on articles that you may want to write.

Write for 5 minutes about the kinds of writing that you want to do.

Another way to improve writing skills is by writing formal and informal letters. A personal letter is one that is written to a friend or an acquaintance.

The form of personal letter may be informal, but even these include and address, the date, the salutation, the body, and the closing. Very often times they will be hand written.

Write a letter to a friend in which you describe a recent trip that you took. Focus on only one place (one city, on resort, etc.) Describe your reaction to it. How did it make you feel? 

For a sample completed exercise, click here

* For more articles by this Consultant Click Here
For more articles on Creative Writing  Click Here

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