Music Worksheet 3: Note and Rest Values

An EIGHTH Rest is placed on a staff like this:

an eighth rest= 1/2 COUNT

QUARTER rest is placed on a staff like this:

a quarter rest= 1 COUNT

HALF rest is placed above the 3rd staff line like this:

half rest= 2 COUNTS

WHOLE rest is placed below the 4th staff line like this:

whole rest= 4 Counts

1. Print this page.
2. In the columns of blank staffs, draw one or more rests that get the same number of counts as the notes immediately to the left. Practice drawing the clefs as well.
3. Label the names/location of each note and identify what type of note it is. Use the following abbreviations: Whole note = W,Half note = H, Quarter note = Q, Eighth note = E, Sixteenth note = S


1.  A  – half note  2.    H 3, __________ 4. __________
5. ____________ 6. ___________ 7. ___ 8.___ 9.___ 10___ 11___ 12___
13___ 14___ 15___ 16 ___17___18___        19 ___ 20___ 21 ___ 22___
Bass clef, W, middleC Treble clef, 2x S, D, E

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