Joanne Mikola Home Page

Printable Homework Organizer: More than just room for listing homework, it’s a time manager, too. Good study habits always start with a plan. Also available in 1 page format.Adobe Reader 5.0 or better required.
Joanne Mikola, August 2, 2002

How Much (Summer) Homework is Too Much?

May 29, 2002Curriculum: American Sign Language and Signed English

Printable ASL meets Spanish Vocabulary for Colors August 26, 2001
Printable ASL Alpahabet Clip Art
Learn how to create your own puzzles and documents using these ASL letters. Graphic intensive. Slow page to load. Be patient. August 12, 2001
Printable Word Search Worksheet A.S.L.
Finger Spelling Practice: Back to School. Slowest page to view yet! Prints wonderfully. That’s the trade off.
Printable ASL Crossword Worksheet Alphabet Letters Recognition May 18, 2001
Printable Word Search Worksheet A.S.L.
Alphabet Letters Recognition: Summertime Fun
Review Quiz: ASL Animal signs and Fingerspelling
Printable wordsearch to review Series 2 ASL lessons
Printable Wordsearch – Reinforce the vocabulary you will need in order to sign The Lord’s Prayer

Curriculum : Kindergarten Math
Printable colouring worksheet: Happy Faces
Printable Worksheets: United States and Capital (Capitol) Cities and related Maps
Geographical and alphabetical reference lists of states and capitals plus four assignments and worksheets to re-inforce learning. October 25, 2001

Interactive puzzle map: The Mississippi River.
Great re-inforcement tool for learning what States the river borders and runs through. Can you name all 10 States? Includes midi file ‘Ol Man River’ sequenced by Roly Wright and used with permission. J Mikola Dec. 3, 2001
Printable assignment worksheet: The Mississippi River J Mikola

Interactive Puzzle Map Headline Countries
Selected Countries of Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Do you know where Afghanistan is? September 17, 2001 
Interactive Jigsaw PuzzleHappy Birthday To You
Sign Language Finger spelling words for some party fun. Slow download, butloads of entertainment. August 13, 2001
Interactive Puzzle: The Planets
Includes midi file Holst: The Planets – Jupiter April 2, 2001
Interactive Puzzle: United States Capital Cities
Includes midi file National Anthem “Star Spangled Banner” March 31, 2001
Interactive Puzzle: Puzzle map of Canada 
Includes National anthem ‘Oh, Canada’ March 25, 2001
Interactive Puzzle Map Europe circa 2000 AD
This one is not for the faint of heart! Flags courtesy of and used with permission. Thanks also to our viewer, Bob Ross for this request. August 15, 2001

Printable Worksheets : Map of Canada 
1) Provinces and Territories 
2) Capital Cities
March 25, 2001
LINE DANCING: Multiplying 2 by 3 (or more!) digits
Explaining how to multiply by multiple numbers – step by step and line by line. Grade 5 mathematics. July 10,2002
Printable Worksheet: Practice Multiplying of 2 and 3 Digits Printable Worksheet
Page 1......4
March, 2001

Fresh Squeezed Creative Writing Juices 
Do your children need a nudge in the imagination department for creative writing assignments? March 17, 2001

Printable Worksheet/Quiz for Parts of the Eye (Gr 5 Science) 
February 26, 2001

Printable Blank outline picture: Human Respiratory System.
Grade 5 Science. Includes notes of the functions of the major portions on a separate sheet. June 14, 2002

Printable Blank outline picture: Human Digestive System.
Grade 5 Science. Blackline diagram followed by  teaching and study notes for the functions of the major and accessory organs of the digestive system.  November 17, 2002

Printable Blank outline picture of the Circulatory System
Grade 5 Science. Blackline diagram followed by  teaching and study notes for identification of the major and accessory structures of the circulatory system.  April, 2003

Blank Outline Diagram of the Skeletal System
April, 2003

Enter Stage Fright... I mean Right. 
Being prepared for that important interview or your first day of teaching will get you to the door. Then what do you do?
February 25, 2001

Learning to Learn in Order to Teach 
Learning to Learn the Kinesthetic/ Tactual Way
Learning to Learn the Visual Way
Learning to Learn the Auditory Way
by Joanne Mikola February 24, 2001

Mom RULES: Basketball 
The first in a series of lessons aimed at Moms and other first time players, teachers, coaches and referees of the game of basketball.
February 8, 2001
Printable Wordsearch: Basketball: Jargon, Fouls and Synonyms
March 4, 2001
Printable Wordsearch: Basketball: Rebounds, Synonyms, Physics
March 4, 2001
Printable Wordsearch : Basketball: All the Angles
March 10, 2001
Basketball Court Orientation  Lesson 2 in the Mom Rules series
March 28, 2001
Interactive Puzzle : Basketball Court Orientation
March 28, 2001
A Little One on One, anyone?
Joanne Mikola September 24, 2001

Irregular Verbs: First Person Crossword Exercise Irregular Verbs : Grade 9 Grammar
Includes printable copy and separate answer page.
December 15, 2000

Huron Carol: The First Canadian Christmas Carol. 
This song not only predates the formation of the country, it was written before the pioneers actually started to voluntarily stay in the wilds of New France.
December 6, 2000
Curb Appeal 
The issue of child safety is being sacrificed for flaming expressions of our need for speed in the latest craze  – Car Pool Rage.
November 27, 2000
Healthy Snacks 
Wordsearch, including a printable copy, for Grades 1 – 4
November 22, 2000
The Perfect Pantry Series : Dorm Diet 
As your babies grow up to be adults, there is usually a transition period from home to complete independence. Start your college bound teen off with a  pantry stocked well and with love.
November 22, 2000
Year End Teacher Gifts : Ritual or Appreciation? 
September 4, 2000

A Walk in the Woods
An original short story on teaching and learning independance. Printable worksheet format for printing and reading practice Grade 1 – 3. May 30, 2001

Subject: Conversions 
“For those who thought the hardest part of Physics 101 was the constant conversion from feet and inches to the metric system, including all its Newtons, Joules, and Watts, here are some other useful conversions…”  A wonderfully entertaining forwarded email. Thankyou to the original author(s) December 16, 2000