A Great Fund Raiser:
The Christmas Shopping Spree!
by Elizabeth Turner

In today’s world, the thought of sending children door to door for a school fundraiser is no longer an option.  In most cases, the candy bars come home and mom and dad are responsible for the unloading of them.  In my children’s school, a great alternative has been found.  It fully involves the students and has become a much anticipated event.  The Christmas shopping spree is a win/win situation for all that participate!

Our “Parent Partner” Committee launched the idea a few years back and the success of this venture not only raises money for the school but is a fun activity that delights the entire family.  Early into the school year a form goes home with the children from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 inclusive.(see Below).  A small fee of $2.00 is charged for each gift that the child will be purchasing.  Heck, you would have spent that on the chocolate bars that you couldn’t get rid of.  Each family submits the form and fee back to the teachers who pass them on to the shopping spree committee.

In the early years, those parents on the shopping spree committee would  begin purchasing small gifts at dollar stores that can, in turn,  be purchased by the children.  Over time our committee contacted an importer who was willing to give fantastic deals on items for this good cause.  Source other parents in the school, it seems almost everyone knows someone that can provide “a deal”.  The number of gifts are estimated with the returned forms.  All of the gifts purchased are approx. $1.00 (with our importer about 50 cents).  So the profit margin is good.

On the evening before the shopping spree, the gym is decorated and the gifts are laid out on tables according to the sex and age group that the gift will be for.  On the day of the shopping spree, the children come to the gym by class and pick a gift appropriate for each of their parents and brothers and sisters.  The parent volunteers assist the smaller children in both choosing and wrapping their gifts.  With baked goods donated the children also get to have a treat and sing christmas carols as the gifts are being wrapped.  It is great fun for all involved.

My children are always so excited that they themselves have put presents under the tree for the family and these are usually the first ones we open on Christmas Day!

Christmas Shopping Spree! 

As in the past, we regret that we must limit gift purchases to the immediate family (not Grandparents, cousins, babysitters etc.) The student will not be purchasing a gift for him/herself.
Student’s name:______________________
Please check off the appropriate boxes for your family:

Mom Dad Boy
0-1 yr
0-1 yr
Girl l-5 Boy

Please submit $2.00 for each gift that your child will be purchasing.
Total $_______

If you can assist with the shopping spree on Tues. December 12th please write your name in the appropriate box.

7pm- 9pm
Set Up Dec 11
9am-11am 1pm-3pm

If you are unable to assist but would like to donate baked goods
(no nut products) please check this box:

Please submit this completed form and payment by Friday October 13th.
Thank you!
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