Number Sense and Numeration Lesson 1 – Upside Down Addition
by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Objective(s): By the end of this lesson the student will be able to: 
1. (2m21) Investigate the properties of whole numbers: addition fact families
2. remember this rule of operations: Addition and Multiplication can Always be Mixed up.
For Subtraction and Division, Same order is Desired.
Note to teacher, parent, or tutor: These problems demonstrate the commutative operation when dealing with addition and multiplication. Teaching this as a foundational truth now will facilitate pre-algebra concepts that your child will meet with in the future.

Did you know that if you add 4 and 3, it is the same as adding 3 and 4?

4                                     3
+ 3                                  + 4
7                                     7

Both problems have the same answer! That means that when you add, you can turn the problems upside down and you will get the same answer. That’s a neat trick! Let’s try some more problems.


5                          6                       3                             2
+ 6                       + 5                     + 2                          + 3

2                          7                        5                             4
 + 7                       + 2                      + 4                          + 5

8                          3                         2                             9
 + 3                        + 8                      + 9                          + 2

Circle the correct choice:
1. The answers for the first row are (in order)
a) 12, 12, 6, 6
b) 11, 11, 11, 11
c) 11, 11, 5, 5
d) 9, 9, 11, 11

For more articles by this Consultant Click Here
For more articles on Grade 1 Number Sense and Numeration
For more articles on Grade 2 Number Sense and Numeration

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