From a Sea Captain’s View  – Part 1 – The Expository Paragraph

Objective(s): By the end of this lesson the student will be able to:  demonstrate correct spelling, strong sentence structure, and standard punctuation; differentiate between narrative, descriptive, and expository types of paragraphs.

Pre Class Assignment:   Completion/review of  By the Old Mill Stream – Lesson II

Resources/Equipment/Time Required: 


There are three basic types of paragraphs in writing: narrative, descriptive, and expository.
NARRATIVE: The narrative paragraph tells a story, just like a narrator in a play.

DESCRIPTIVE: The descriptive paragraph paints a picture. It describes a person, place, thing, or idea.

EXPOSITORY: The expository paragraph “exposes” things about a subject. It is also sometimes called an information paragraph because it gives information about a person, place, thing, or idea.

Let’s discuss the expository paragraph. It gives information about a given topic. But expository paragraphs can be written with style and in different ways. An expository paragraph doesn’t have to be dry and boring. In fact, some of the best expository papers are those that have a unique slant and grab the reader’s attention. When you read one of those, you hardly even realize all the facts you are learning because the paper is so much fun!
The Topic:

Amsterdam – From a Sea Captain’s View
1. A good expository writer does research. Find out all you can about Amsterdam before beginning your paragraph.
2. Decide what year your sea captain lived and research the duties of a sea captain of that period.
3. Write your paragraph as if you are the sea captain describing the port city as you look from the deck of the ship.

Assignment(s) including Answer key: 

Pre-Requisite To:   From a Sea Captain’s View – Lesson 2 

Example Exam Questions:


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