by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Objective(s): By the end of this lesson the student will be able to: 
1. define the term ‘conjunction’
2. differentiate between coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions

Pre-Class Assignment: 

Resources/Equipment/Time Required: 

The conjunction is the seventh of the eight parts of speech. Just for the record, here are all eight:

noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

Let’s start with a basic definition:

Conjunctions are words that join words or groups of words. 
There are two main types of conjunctions. They are coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions include: and, or, but, for, & nor. These conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal value. Clauses of equal value are called independent clauses and can stand on their own as separate sentences. Example: John is running in this race and I am carrying his water bottle. (Each clause can stand alone: John is running in this race. I am carrying his water bottle.)

Subordinating conjunctions introduce dependent clauses. Dependent clauses cannot stand alone as a single sentence. In fact, the clause is dependent on the rest of the sentence for its meaning. Example: Since I will not be home, Tina will answer the phone. (“Since I will not be home” doesn’t make sense by itself. It is dependent on the rest of the sentence for its meaning.)

Most commonly used subordinating conjunctions include: although, because, as, while, until, whether, since, after, so that, when, before, if.

Assignment(s) including Answer key: 

Find the conjunctions in the following sentences. Label them coordinating or subordinating.

1. He listened to the man’s story and reported it to the policeman on duty.

2. I haven’t seen my brother since he left for college.


3. Your aunt or your uncle will pick you up from school today.


4. Tom, Jane, Sue, and Tim will be going on the trip.


5. I remember the old school book, for it was once mine.


6. Sarah did not feel well, but she went to class anyway.


7. Although the old man was hungry, he never said a word to anyone.


8. I think I heard that on the television or radio, although I am not sure.

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1. and, coordinating
2. since, subordinating
3. or, coordinating
4. and, coordinating
5. for, coordinating
6. but, coordinating
7. although, subordinating
8. or, coordinating; although, subordinating

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