by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Objective(s): By the end of this lesson the student will be able to: 
1. Define and give examples of the following terms: adjective, noun, pronoun, articles and modify.

Pre-Class Assignment:  Completion/review of Nouns and Pronouns

Resources/Equipment/Time Required: 


The adjective is the third of the eight parts of speech. Just for the record, here are all eight: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

First, let’s start with a basic definition: Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. 

Possessive pronouns can be used as adjectives. Example: That is his book.

Adjectives answer these questions about the noun:

WHAT KIND of noun is it?

WHICH noun is it?

HOW MANY of that noun are there?
The, a, and an are called articles. Articles are always adjectives. They modify nouns and pronouns.


1. The two dark cats were walking on the fence.

The – adjective because it modifies the noun cats and is an article.

       Two – adjective because it modifies the noun cats & answers the question  HOW MANY.

 Dark – adjective because it modifies the noun cats & answers the question  WHAT KIND.

The – adjective because it modifies fence & is an article.

2. These southern countries have dry weather.

These – adjective because it modifies the noun countries & answers the question WHICH.

Southern – adjective because it modifies the noun countries & answers the question WHAT KIND

Dry – adjective because it modifies the noun weather & answers the question WHAT KIND.

3. The chocolate one is his last cookie.

The – adjective because it modifies the pronoun one and is an article.

Chocolate – adjective because it modifies the pronoun one & tells WHAT KIND.

 His – adjective because it is a possessive pronoun that modifies the noun cookie and answers the question WHICH ONE.

 Last – adjective because it modifies the noun cookie and tells WHICH ONE.

Assignment(s) including Answer key: 

Find the adjectives in the following sentences.

1. He suggested they clean the statue for their community service project.

__________ __________ _______________ _______________

2. The bank book was on the kitchen table.

__________ ____________ ________ ________________

3. Five dollars was required of each student.

__________ __________

4. The teacher asked the shy boy to give an oral report.

__________ __________ _________ ___________ ______________

5. I visited the family for several days.

__________ _______________

6. Do you have a special someone in your life?

_____________ ___________ __________

7. Her story was printed in the town paper.

__________ __________ ___________
For the Answer Key, Click Here

For more Articles by this Author, Click Here
For more Lesson Plans in the Subject: Grade 9 Grammar

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