Little is Much
A Children’s Christian Musical by Elaine Ernst Schneider


The idea behind Little is Much is that God made us and supplies us with all that we need. The theme song says:

Little is Much when you’re in touch
With the one who made a man from a piece of clay
Five loaves and two fishes fed the multitude and then left twelve dishes!
God touched a leper, gave him brand new skin…
the crippled man, He made to walk again!
He himself born in a manger small, one day we know will be Lord of all… etc.
It centers around a worm who is convinced that he can do nothing – he often says, “I’m just a worm” (like we say, “I’m just one person” or “I’m just a kid.”) Then he realizes that God used “regular” people all through the Bible and that when we put our faith in God, He will supply us with what we need to do the task before us:
What if Noah never built an ark ‘cuz he didn’t think it would rain
What if Paul hadn’t served the Lord, he’d have never worn those chains.
What if Moses saw the burning bush and he turned and ran away.
the Good Samaritan walked on by and left that man to stay…
Gideon was the Lord’s warrior but he could have refused to fight
Joseph might have turned his brothers away when hunger was their plight…
The Ethiopian would have died in sin … etc.

 As you might guess, the worm realizes he is a butterfly in disguise at the end – in other words, he sees himself as God sees him:

Looking through the eyes of God helps me see you as He does
Looking through the eyes of God helps me love you as He does
He sees a rainbow when I see the storm
In you, Little Worm, He sees a butterfly’s form.
We are fearfully and wondrously made…
We’re important to Him, stamped, approved and ok’d!

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