Unit Study: Let’s Study Ancient Egypt Pt. 3
by Belinda Mooney

Pharaohs were also supposed to be great warriors. They were supposed to be given great strength by the god Amun. Some were actually great warriors and some just had themselves depicted that way. King Tutankhamun is pictured as a great warrior in a scene abroad. But since he lived such a short time it is unlikely he ever led his army out of Egypt.

King Tuthmosis III was a very impressive warrior pharaoh. He ruled Egypt in the middle fifteenth century BC. 

*Research King Tuthmosis III. Add him to your timeline and do a notebook page on him . Tell about his great feats.

* Pharaoh rode in war chariots. Draw and describe one of these.

*Draw and describe the weapons used by the Egyptians and the type of “armor” the would have used. 

The Hyksos were one of the peoples the Egyptians fought against. The invaded Egypt and brought body armor and bonze weapons with them.
*Research them. Who were they? Where did they come from? Add them to your notebook.

Since the Pharaoh was not considered to be an ordinary person he of course did not die in an ordinary way either. A great deal of money and treasure was put into his tomb so that it would be worthy of him and also so it would be protected form grave-robbers. The first of the Pharaohs were buried in low lying tombs made of mud bricks. But then the Age of Pyramids began! That’s when pyramids were built for the Pharaohs. The first one was for King Djoser and was built in Saqqara, a desert plateau. It has six rises of gigantic steps. Similar to a ziggurat temple. It was built by Imhotep and was called the Step Pyramid. It is probably the oldest building in the world. The others built after him had smooth sides like huge triangles. The most famous is the Great Pyramid of King Khufu or Cheops as he is sometimes called. It was built a Giza and covers 13 acres.

* Research how pyramids were made. Tell this and add drawings to your notebook.

* Build a model of all three types of pyramids. Which one was a mastabas tomb?

* Draw pyramids on your map where some of the more famous ones would be located.

* Do a biography page on Imhotep. He was a very great man. Not only an architect but a high priest and a doctor.

* Start a page on Egyptian tools draw and label them. Start with the sledge.

Later on the Pharaohs were buried at Thebes. There is an are called the Valley of the Kings and the tombs were cut into the limestone cliffs there. King Tut is buried there. Treasure beyond belief was buried with the Pharaohs so the architect’s did there best to design them so they could not be robbed. They built false shafts and doors to fool robbers. Grave robbers who were caught were punished terribly for it. But that didn’t stop thieves .Most every tomb was robbed except King Tut’s were robbed.

* Mark the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens on your map. Add a drawing to show what this was for.

* Draw and label or design a tomb or 

* Make a clay pyramid using 2 cups each salt and flour, 1 1/2 cups water. Cover with sandpaper to give realistic look. 

* Research architects. What do they do and why were the important in the building of the pyramids or tombs.

*Start a list of the types of workers in Egypt. Add quarry workers and general workman to the list.

* What were pyramid texts? (HINT: They are collectively called The book of the Dead.)

*Near The pyramid of Khafre lies the Great Sphinx. It is carved from one solid rock. Carve your own sphinx out of soft soap. Ivory works great for this.
Go here for a unit study on Egypt:
Let’s Study Ancient Egypt Part I
Let’s Study Ancient Egypt Part II
Let’s Study Ancient Egypt Part III
Let’s Study Ancient Egypt Part IV
Build an Egyptian Pyramid

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